Textbook sample

Enhanced Transcript sample

Guided Notes sample

Teacher’s Guide sample

This course was originally designed as a 135-lesson home correspondence course, complete with books and audio cassettes. There was no video content. We were able to take all of the printed material and digitize it and segment it into each lesson. We also digitized the audio into mp3 format. Then, using PowerPoint and screen capturing with the audio content, created the video content. There was no ‘talking head’ video content.

Each lesson had:

  • the appropriate portion of the textbook,
  • the enhanced transcript of the lesson,
  • the video and audio content of the lesson,
  • and guided notes for the student to follow with the lesson whether using the video or audio only.
  • When placed in the online course module, there was an online quiz that was auto-graded at submission.
  • One thing unique with this online course, it gave the option to still do a group session. So there is also a Teacher’s Guide for each lesson.
Last Modified: September 22, 2024